Donate Today To Lay the Roots for a Better Central Texas

Donate Today To Lay the Roots for a Better Central Texas image

Together, we can use the power of soccer to help communities thrive -- physically socially and emotionally.

Austin often tops the list of best places to live in America. But many of our residents are falling behind.

4ATX Foundation, the nonprofit arm of Austin FC, is laying the roots for a better Central Texas.

Soccer is the most inclusive sport in the world. One soccer ball has the power to bridge differences, connect people, and get them moving. That’s why we are on a mission to use the power of soccer to build physically, socially, and emotionally healthy communities.

We get people playing by providing soccer scholarships and donating equipment. We restore and build new Verde soccer pitches, creating safe spaces for families to connect and be active right in their own communities. And to strengthen our communities for years to come, we are building the next generation of leaders through Verde Leaders, a positive youth development program that uses soccer to empower underprivileged students to find success on the soccer pitch, in the classroom, and in life.

  • 324,447+ People Served
  • $3M Invested in Central Texas
  • 59,249+ Hours of Programming
  • 8 State-of-the-Art Mini Pitches
  • 134 Verde Nets Donated To Local Soccer Programs
  • 21 Verde Leaders Alumni Hired Back As Program Coaches

It starts with one opportunity to begin playing.

Make a donation today to help build an accessible, healthy and unified Central Texas community.

$25 – Equip a student with a brand-new soccer ball

$50 – Cover one day of soccer camp for a student

$100 – Send a student to one week of leadership development training

$250 – Help a community restore a soccer goal with a brand-new Verde net

$500 – Enable a student to participate in Verde Leaders for free for an entire year

$1,000 – Give a young child the opportunity to play club soccer for one season

$2,500 – Support a college scholarship for a standout student-athlete

$5,000 – Support a Verde Leaders Spring Break camp

4ATX Foundation is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. EIN: 83-4164008